Honors Institute
Honors Institute
火博体育官网的荣誉学院为合格的学生提供3.25 GPA or 更重要的是,他们在科林的学习经历得到了加强. Taking honors 课程为学生转入四年制大学奠定了良好的基础 and graduate programs. 荣誉学生还可以享受一些特殊待遇 their academic achievements.
Benefits To The Honors Institute
- First day registration privileges.
- Smaller class size.
- Honors courses include an honors designation on all transcripts.
- 与当地几所大学荣誉课程的转学协议.
- Free printing, blue books, and scantrons.
- 免费使用校园荣誉套房设施,包括计算机实验室,休闲休息区, informal study rooms, and printing.
Honors Societies
Get involved!
火博体育官网的荣誉学生有很多机会参加俱乐部 and honors societies throughout the district. Transferring to a four-year college 大学竞争激烈,对优等生来说更是如此. Students enhance 他们被自己选择的项目和大学录取的可能性 and participating in clubs and honors societies. Most importantly, membership in 奖学金协会为学生提供了为改善生活做出贡献的机会 火博体育官网和更大的科林县社区.
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars 是一个荣誉社团,为合格的学生提供实习机会, networking, and scholarships. 会员资格须经邀请,学生必须持有 3.4 GPA or higher to be invited. 国家科学院每年举行一次入会仪式.
欲了解更多信息,请访问国家网站: NSCS.ORG
Phi Theta Kappa 两年制大学中最大最负盛名的荣誉社团是什么. Collin 学院与Phi Theta Kappa有着长期而受人尊敬的关系,这促进了 学术成就,并为合格的学生提供网络和奖学金机会. 会员资格是通过邀请,学生必须有3.5 GPA or higher to be invited. PTK conducts an induction ceremony each semester.
To find out more, access the national web site: PTK.ORG
- The Collin College PTK Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/collinptk
- 通过电子邮件向俱乐部发送有关会员资格的问题: PTK@backroomtasting.com
- 查看Facebook或电子邮件获取当前顾问的信息.
请注意:Phi Theta Kappa和全国大学火博体育协会是独立的 荣誉学院支持的学生组织. All questions about membership 或者活动应该通过俱乐部的网站或网站直接通知他们 contacting faculty advisors.
Requirements to Remain in Good Standing
- Maintain a 3.25 or higher cumulative GPA.
- Earn a "B" or higher in all honors courses.
- Take at least one honors course per academic year.
- 坚持火博体育官网的核心价值观:学习、服务和参与、创造 和创新,学术卓越,尊严和尊重,诚信
Frisco Campus
Dr. Lauryn Angel
Director, Frisco Campus Honors Institute
Frisco Campus
9700 Wade Blvd.
Frisco, TX 75071
Office: F135
Fall 2024 Honors Courses COMING SOON!
在注册期间搜索荣誉课程很容易-登录CougarWeb,开始 to the Look Up Classes 在主页上链接,选择学期,按下 Advanced Search 按钮,突出显示中的所有主题 Subject 框(点击第一个主题,按住shift键点击最后一个主题),选择校园, select Honors in the Attribute box, and then press Search.
McKinney Campus
Keith Elphick
Director, McKinney Campus Honors Institute
McKinney Campus
2200 W. University Dr.
McKinney, TX 75071
Fall 2024 Honors Courses coming soon!!
Course Name | CRN | Title | Professor | Days | Time |
BIOL 1407.300
Lab: 1407.303 |
21447 |
Lab: Biology for Science Majors II |
Velamakanni, Miller |
W |
8-10:50am |
BIOL 2402.308
Lab: 2402.307 |
20299 |
Anatomy and Physiology II: What Makes Us Tick?
The Inside Mechanisms of the Human Body |
Cravo | T/Th | 8:30-11:45am |
ENGL 1302.30H | 29235 | Composition II: The Curious Mind | Elphick | T/Th | 2:30-3:45pm |
ENGL 1302.31H | 29690 | 在线说服的艺术:剖析社交媒体争论 | Azard | MWF | 11-11:50am |
GOVT 2305.912 | 21363 | 最高法院:联邦制、种族、阶级、性别和美国宪法 | Geisler | WEB | WEB |
GOVT 2306.31H | 27683 | Texas Government: The Future of Texas | Betti | T/Th | 11:30am-12:45pm |
HIST 1301.916 | 20089 | 美国历史1:媒体与美国历史的交集 | Cubberly | WEB | WEB |
HIST 1302.3OH | 27707 | 美国历史II:演奏美国的过去 | Whitaker | MW | 11:30am-12:45pm |
SPCH 1311.316 | 26343 | Introduction to Speech Communication: Leaders Speak; Speakers Lead: Real-world Experiences in Communication | Wohead | T/Th | 10-11:15am |
在注册期间搜索荣誉课程很容易-登录CougarWeb,开始 to the Look Up Classes 在主页上链接,选择学期,按下 Advanced Search 按钮,突出显示中的所有主题 Subject 框(点击第一个主题,按住shift键点击最后一个主题),选择校园, select Honors in the Attribute box, and then press Search
Plano Campus
Daniel Sattizahn, JD
Director, Plano Campus Honors Institute
Plano Campus
2800 E. Spring Creek Pkwy.
Plano, Texas 75074
Room D-154
Fall 2024 Honors Courses coming soon!!
Course Name |
Title | Professor | Days | Times |
ECON 1301.000 | 29475 | 创新经济学——烧烤、棒球、机器人和商业 & Economic Development Partnerships | Randall, Clay | W | 2:30-3:45pm |
ECON 2301.005 | 23470 | AI, Workers, and the Future of Everything | Latham, Michael | T/Th | 10-11:15am |
ENGL 1302.049 | 29473 | Shonen, Shoujo, and Sometimes Kawaii!: Rhetorically Analyzing Anime and Manga | Cooper, Khimen | T/Th | 10-11:15am |
ENGL 1302.908 | 28907 | 美国工人阶级:探索工作、阶级和身份的修辞 | Kirby, Lisa | WEB | WEB |
ENGL 2307.901 | 28912 | Cool Approaches to Poetry | Richardson, Leslie | WEB | WEB |
ENGL 2341.002 | 29474 | "Do You Even Lit, Bro?:通过[网络]漫画、动漫、绘本介绍文学 and the YA Novel | Cooper, Khimen | T/Th | 10-11:15am |
GOVT 2305.091 | 29449 | The U. S. 宪法:把美国凝聚在一起的粘合剂 | Hershenberg, Julie | T/Th | 1-2:15pm |
GOVT 2306.090 | 29448 | 德州政府:孤星之州的政治 | Hershenberg, Julie | T/Th | 1-2:15pm |
HIST 1302.090 | 29183 | How Did We Get Here? -- The Return | Caughfield, Adrienne | T/Th | 10-11:15am |
HUMA 1301.020 | 20879 | The City is Your Classroom | Perry, Carolyn | Th | 7-9:45pm |
MUSI 1306.000 | 28250 | Music Appreciation | Carter, Casey | MWF | 9-9:50am |
MUSI 1307.001 | 28252 | Music Literature | Carter, Casey | T/Th | 11:30am-12:45pm |
PHIL 2306.002 | 23340 | "Zombies Everywhere!" Ethics in a Post-Apocalypse | Courtright, Jeffrey | MW | 12-1:15pm |
PSYC 2301.011 | 20228 | 欢迎来到心理侦探的世界! | O'Loughlin Brooks, Jennifer | T/Th | 10-11:15am |
在注册期间搜索荣誉课程很容易-登录CougarWeb,开始 to the Look Up Classes 在主页上链接,选择学期,按下 Advanced Search 按钮,突出显示中的所有主题 Subject 框(点击第一个主题,按住shift键点击最后一个主题),选择校园, select Honors in the Attribute box, and then press Search.
Wylie Campus
Michael Rose
972-378-8878 / WLB 215D
Wylie Campus
391 Country Club Road
Wylie, TX 75098
Wylie Library Building (WLB), 2nd floor
Suite 215A-D
8am to 5pm
Questions or Comments: 972-378-8897
Fall 2024 Honors Courses coming soon!!
Course Name | CRN | Title | Professor | Days | Times |
BIOL 1406.400 | 23533 | Biology - Take Cellflies, Not Selfies | Cardenas, Deborah | T/Th | 11:30am-12:45pm |
GOVT 2306.400 | 23635 | Texas Government - All Rise. 对德克萨斯州法院和刑事司法的考察 System | Black, Millie | T/Th | 10-11:15am |
HIST 1302.400 | 23753 | 美国历史II -追求平等:种族、性别和社会阶层的历史 in the United States (1877-2001) | Humphreys, Krystal | MW | 10-11:15am |
PSYC 2314.400 | 26017 | 生命的发展-死亡成为我们:如何在整个生命周期中过一个完整的生活 | Rose, Mike | T/Th | 11:30am-12:45pm |
SOCI 1301.901 | 23654 | 社会学导论-让音乐播放:社会社会学的分析 几十年来流行文化音乐所反映的意义和信息 | Gaiter, Pam | WEB | WEB |
SPCH 1311.902 | 25099 | 演讲导论-跨越大陆和语言建立友谊,演讲 Students as Conversation Partners | Salva-Ramirez, Maria-Angle | WEB | WEB |
在注册期间搜索荣誉课程很容易-登录CougarWeb,开始 to the Look Up Classes 在主页上链接,选择学期,按下 Advanced Search 按钮,突出显示中的所有主题 Subject Box (点击第一个主题,按住shift键点击最后一个主题),选择校园, select Honors in the Attribute box, and then press Search.
Keep an eye on your registration!
火博体育官网荣誉学院努力为我们的学生提供各种各样的 courses. 注册荣誉课程的学生是首批被允许注册的学生 每学期上课,这样比较方便,考虑到荣誉课程往往会爆满 快速上升,因为它们比常规课程(15-18名学生)要小。. From time to time an honors course may not make; an honors course may be canceled altogether or converted into a regular class. Please keep an eye on your registration during 每学期开学前的两到三周. You will be able to see if 课程已转换或取消,您可以据此计划您的时间表. 出于礼貌,荣誉学院的工作人员将联系每一位学生火博体育官网时间表 changes.